The fifth and final episode in the Planet of the Apes series. After the collapse of human civilization, a community of intelligent apes led by Caesar lives in harmony with a group of humans. Gorilla General Aldo tries to cause an ape civil war and a community of human mutants who live beneath a destroyed city try to conquer those whom they perceive as enemies. All leading to the finale.
Release Date: June 15, 1973
November 08, 2016
December 10, 2008
February 15, 1990
March 30, 1987
September 21, 2019
Invalid Date
September 11, 2014
December 31, 1986
Invalid Date
November 04, 1983
October 22, 2019
October 29, 2005
June 12, 2008
January 14, 2010
December 14, 2010
December 13, 2016
February 08, 2017
September 05, 2003
January 01, 2008
February 13, 2008