Documentary film produced by American Documentary Films and the Black Panther Party from 1968, honoring Huey P. Newton's struggle for African American civil rights, advocating for his release from jail and addressing issues of racism in American society. Features scenes from the funeral of Bobby Hutton and the Huey P. Newton Birthday Rally in the Oakland Auditorium on February 17th 1968, with speeches by: Bobby Seale (who explains the Black Panther Party's 10 Point Program in detail); Ron Dellums; James Foreman; Charles R. Garry; Eldridge Cleaver; Bob Avakian; H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. Also includes views of police officers showing the weapons and armor they carry in patrol cars and of African Americans discussing racism in American society. This film was scripted and directed by Sally Pugh.
Release Date: March 01, 1968
July 09, 2008
January 01, 1969
January 01, 1968
February 02, 1968
February 29, 2008
June 18, 2001
January 01, 1971
April 01, 2011
October 24, 2019
May 01, 1971
June 21, 2004
March 08, 2015
March 25, 2020
March 06, 2020
January 01, 1997
January 18, 2008
September 28, 2015
February 01, 2013
November 12, 2009
March 01, 1998