Carmen, a free-spirited young woman who sometimes earns money as a prostitute, lives a bohemian existence in a small town where most of the locals allow her to do as she pleases. Jose, a naive young man who has just been hired as the town's new police officer, arrests her. However, Jose is soon drawn into Carmen's sensual spell, and he is compelled to do her bidding as she slowly brings him to his doom.
Release Date: October 09, 1967
May 25, 1969
August 09, 2001
April 07, 1995
May 31, 1985
April 26, 1996
November 27, 1986
January 12, 1990
March 08, 1993
October 15, 1975
June 18, 2003
January 19, 2005
August 31, 1994
December 18, 1973
December 01, 1976
October 31, 1991
June 05, 1963
February 26, 1969
December 14, 1996
February 28, 2008
September 22, 2016