In the not-so-distant future, Captain Jordan Strider, a Special Forces Officer in the New World Alliance, is chosen for a top-secret mission. Sent to a desolate planet, Terra 219, to arrest possible traitors to the Alliance, Strider must survive with only a government issued experimental suit as protection. He quickly learns of a plan to end all humanity.
Release Date: November 02, 2008
December 11, 1998
May 21, 2008
November 07, 1997
June 12, 1987
October 10, 2018
June 08, 2019
June 13, 2005
December 13, 1996
October 07, 2023
July 25, 2001
July 30, 2020
December 02, 1981
July 07, 1995
June 21, 1985
August 06, 1999
December 10, 2008
July 14, 1999
January 01, 1988
July 02, 2001
August 25, 1989