Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest Gordon, Lt. Jim Reardon and Maj. Ian Campbell are among the military officers kept imprisoned and routinely beaten and deprived of food. While Campbell wants to rebel and attempt an escape, Gordon tries to take a more stoic approach, an attitude that proves to be surprisingly resonant.
Release Date: September 02, 2001
May 19, 2007
May 24, 1995
January 01, 2003
June 02, 1989
September 26, 2003
September 06, 2003
August 26, 1950
March 19, 2004
July 05, 1996
October 10, 2003
May 19, 1979
February 10, 2006
November 25, 2018
October 12, 2002
November 12, 2021
January 27, 2007
June 08, 1951
March 30, 1984
March 05, 2023
February 18, 2017