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Movie Cast (20)
Joan Bennett
Joe E. Brown
James Hall
Laura Lee
Sumner Getchell
George Irving
College President Sheffield
George Bickel
Russ Saunders
Russ Saunders of Southern California
Tim Moynihan
Tim Moynihan of Notre Dame
Bill Banker
Bill Banker of Tulane University
Howard Harpster
Howard Harpster of Carnegie Tech
Ray Montgomery
Ray Montgomery of Univ. of Pittsburgh
Otto Pommerening
Otto Pommerening of Michigan
Red Sleight
Red Sleight of Purdue
Kenneth Haycraft
Kenneth Haycraft of Minnesota
George Gibson
George Gibson of Minnesota
Paul Scull
Paul Scull of Pennsylvania
Wear Schoonover
Wear Schoonover of Univ. of Arkansas
Howard Jones
Coach Bob Brown of Univ. of Southern Cal.
Anders Randolf
Mr. Nelson