Abandoned in the barren wasteland of Kyoto, a savage, enraged orphan does whatever it takes to survive in the wild. When he crosses paths with civilization, he must learn to tame the beast within.
Release Date: September 29, 2012
January 15, 1943
March 01, 2019
March 16, 2019
January 01, 2002
December 25, 1997
June 17, 1985
July 12, 1997
July 20, 2001
April 29, 1930
June 10, 1988
March 11, 1984
June 10, 2022
May 19, 1936
October 06, 2001
March 24, 2023
April 28, 2000
August 01, 2004
November 18, 1995
August 03, 1994
September 01, 1985