The dynamic meeting of solid science and futuristic simulation culminates in a dramatic exploration to another inhabited planet seven light years away. Alien Planet creates a realistic depiction of creatures on another world, where life is possible, if not provable, according to scientists' theories. Take this fascinating journey created by state-of-the-art animation and photo-realistic effects.
Release Date: May 14, 2005
July 25, 2001
October 10, 1968
June 08, 2001
May 19, 2004
September 08, 1995
May 22, 1992
January 06, 2022
September 01, 1980
December 22, 2004
August 09, 1979
November 26, 2002
October 06, 2020
December 28, 2017
July 23, 1993
September 30, 2021
January 14, 1999
October 23, 1998
June 10, 2016
September 11, 1999
October 01, 1981