Hannah and her husband, the insurance agent Reinhard Petzold, initially lead a quiet life in Swabia. However, when daughter Lina goes to Berlin for a weekend and Hannah and Reinhard secretly follow her, this throws the orderly family life into disarray. In Berlin, the couple stumbles from one chaos to the next...
Release Date: March 30, 2009
January 01, 1948
March 01, 1937
December 30, 2008
December 11, 2005
October 11, 1994
June 30, 2010
March 27, 1967
November 19, 2003
December 31, 2004
October 09, 2016
September 11, 1988
January 30, 2010
March 24, 2017
April 01, 2014
June 01, 2013
November 08, 2012
September 15, 2012
January 01, 1994
October 04, 2012
May 09, 2004