8X10 Tasveer is a story about young man named Jai Puri, (Akshay Kumar), who possesses supernatural powers. Jai is of Indian origin who works as a forest ranger in Canada. His life is shattered by a loss of a very important person in his life. This personal tragedy leads him to use his unique supernatural power to unravel the mystery behind the murder.
Release Date: April 03, 2009
October 26, 2001
July 30, 2022
May 30, 1990
January 15, 2008
December 31, 2011
July 14, 1999
January 01, 1989
April 02, 2021
September 11, 1987
August 19, 1988
August 11, 1989
January 01, 2016
February 27, 1987
January 16, 1998
January 23, 2000
July 14, 2021
May 11, 1994
September 01, 2017
February 11, 2006