Confronting a mysterious enemy, the Pteranodon Yummy, Kamen Rider W receives aid from Ryu, who has infuriated Akiko by being too busy to attend her wedding! Akiko demands to know why he even became a Kamen Rider in the first place and the Pteranodon Yummy as it uses the Memory Memory on her to give her the answer to her question. Meanwhile, at the Kougami Foundation, Kousei Kougami talks of the most avaricious man in Japan, Oda Nobunaga, whose final resting place was found. With Doctor Maki overseeing the process, Kougami commissions the creation of a Cell Medal homunculus based on Nobunaga himself. Later, Kamen Rider Core begins to destroy the area as Kamen Riders OOO and W team up to fight the enemy. However, Kamen Rider Core proves too powerful and the two go underground to destroy the Gaia Memory’s source of power to even the odds.
Release Date: December 18, 2010
March 16, 1954
April 16, 1992
December 18, 2020
March 18, 2017
June 30, 2006
July 16, 1972
January 18, 2014
July 16, 1972
August 03, 2007
July 21, 2008
July 11, 2008
April 21, 2010
July 18, 1976
July 21, 1993
April 09, 2014
February 01, 1987
November 21, 2003
March 09, 1994
June 27, 1997
October 17, 1973