This epic adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo was directed by Henri Fescourt, and stars Jean Angelo, Lil Dagover, Pierre Batcheff, the beautiful Marie Glory, and Bernhard Goetzke as the Abbé Faria.
Release Date: April 30, 1929
November 18, 2009
March 18, 2017
April 01, 2023
October 07, 1962
October 10, 1963
September 20, 1964
November 18, 1959
June 13, 1967
December 18, 1969
November 16, 2001
November 16, 2005
July 07, 1977
June 26, 1979
December 14, 1984
June 21, 1902
May 18, 2001
December 14, 1984
June 01, 1990
February 07, 1968
December 04, 1974