Barbara, a young girl, lives in an old country house with her father and her teacher. One night, she dreams that a fireman enters her room through the window. Having grown, Barbara leaves her father to travel across the world, before coming back to her childhood fantasies: one day, she calls the firemen, and locks herself with one of them in her bedroom.
Release Date: November 08, 1978
June 25, 2006
November 01, 2001
September 29, 1994
September 04, 1968
June 22, 1962
February 14, 2005
December 07, 2000
July 13, 2005
July 25, 2007
February 20, 1985
September 28, 2000
June 24, 1993
June 23, 1989
August 11, 1999
October 31, 1996
August 20, 1992
November 27, 2013
April 23, 1998
November 10, 2023
December 04, 1916