A romantic comedy that tells the story of a fashion designer from Pyongyang who comes to a small village to show her latest designs. Since the fashion designer is young and attractive, the village patriarch comes up with a plan to set her up with a duck farmer who has ambitions of moving to the city.
Release Date: January 30, 1993
September 01, 2010
May 19, 1960
October 15, 2004
December 24, 1937
May 16, 1957
November 14, 2007
October 08, 1975
June 12, 2003
July 18, 1995
November 14, 2003
October 05, 1972
September 26, 1997
September 09, 2006
August 03, 1990
September 12, 2008
August 23, 1985
May 09, 1973
September 26, 2002
November 27, 1996
October 01, 1919