"Assisted Living" chronicles a day in the life of Todd, a janitor who spends his days smoking pot and interacting with the residents for his own entertainment. Todd's detachment from his surroundings is compromised only by his unlikely friendship with Mrs. Pearlman, a resident who begins to confuse him with her son. On this particular day, Todd must choose whether or not to play the part. "Assisted Living" is shot and staged in a real nursing home and gains much of its unique effect and style from the participation of actual residents and staff members. During much of the film, it is impossible to distinguish between what is real and what is fiction.
Release Date: February 02, 2005
December 29, 2016
October 03, 2003
July 07, 1964
September 29, 2017
March 05, 1980
March 20, 2022
December 06, 1996
January 06, 2009
October 06, 2006
March 26, 2019
July 11, 2014
December 08, 2013
August 12, 2019
November 06, 1996
September 27, 2020
June 21, 1985
August 20, 1992
February 23, 2007
November 28, 2007
August 24, 2001