This is a series of three short supernatural-themed movies. The first tells the story of a teen girl who dreams of haunted doll. In the second movie, a widowed mother brings her children to a house in the woods to help them forget the death of their father. While in the woods one of the children meets a ghost that wants more than just to be friends. The last movie tells the story of three teen-aged girls who go on vacation, only to find themselves at a haunted inn.
Release Date: January 01, 1992
April 23, 2001
October 25, 2018
December 18, 2020
March 11, 2011
December 19, 2006
July 11, 2006
March 16, 2007
September 12, 2014
August 01, 1986
May 13, 1988
July 28, 1989
August 13, 1993
March 09, 2005
May 02, 2014
June 04, 2014
March 11, 2024
May 01, 1981
August 13, 1982
April 13, 1984
March 22, 1985