The year is 2163. Starship Ikaria XB 1 embarks on a mission deep into space in search of alien life. During their perilous journey the crew confront the effects of a malignant dark star, the destructive legacy of the 20th century and, ultimately, the limits of their own sanity.
Release Date: July 26, 1963
October 30, 2011
January 22, 2005
February 15, 1990
July 30, 2009
March 30, 1987
February 24, 1991
October 27, 2016
July 01, 2018
September 24, 2014
March 21, 1975
July 26, 1975
December 20, 1975
June 06, 1990
January 13, 2008
November 30, 2016
Invalid Date
September 09, 2007
May 24, 2014
April 22, 1953
January 20, 1998