Two estranged sisters torn apart by their differences suddenly find themselves working together towards a common goal in this heartwarming drama...For years, overachiever Terri (Kristy Swanson) and her idealistic sister, Mandy (Alberta Mayne), have kept their distance from each other, as well as from their parents' struggling florist business. But when a tragic turn of events brings both women home, they discover just how much they need one another in order to continue their family legacy. Filled with romance, humor and hope, it's an endearing story about making time for the ones you love.
Release Date: February 05, 2013
January 20, 2022
December 30, 2021
February 15, 2017
February 16, 2017
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October 13, 1995
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June 06, 1934
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March 07, 2003
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January 01, 1994