This Romanian dramatic comedy offers metaphorical commentary on life after Ceausescu's reign as it tells the story of a rural community turned topsy-turvy in their mad quest for the snails a prominent senator has requested for his dinner. The trouble begins when a rather imposing, pompous senator comes to visit a small rural Romanian town for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new hydro-electric dam. After he finishes his speech, the senator is accosted by a Swiss film crew eager to interview him. The senator is inordinately concerned with presenting a positive image of Romania to the world at large and so when he learns that he and the journalists are to stay at the same villa, does everything he came to make sure that they see nothing scandalous.
Release Date: June 02, 1995
December 25, 1997
November 08, 1956
November 07, 2005
February 06, 2014
September 05, 2006
April 08, 1988
March 08, 1996
March 22, 2007
October 26, 2007
January 09, 1975
October 31, 1992
November 13, 1996
January 13, 1982
July 19, 1972
August 10, 1997
September 07, 2007
October 19, 1939
September 09, 2024
December 20, 1974