The gritty lives of Portuguese villagers are shown in this action drama which shows the interaction between a married couple who have taken an unusual vow of celibacy and a gang of gypsies who are terrorizing their village. The film highlights many ancient religious traditions still current in these regions, as the villagers, devout Catholics, support the gypsy con-men by buying religious relics from them.
Release Date: June 16, 1973
August 10, 1997
December 22, 1980
December 19, 1956
August 02, 1944
December 18, 1957
November 07, 1997
December 12, 1941
March 06, 2020
July 31, 1998
October 08, 2008
October 23, 1980
September 16, 1998
August 29, 2000
December 21, 1988
September 08, 1977
December 28, 1934
August 23, 1948
August 31, 2017
October 04, 2000
September 23, 1998