Trilogy is an anthology film of three adaptations of Truman Capote short stories: Miriam, Among the Paths to Eden and A Christmas Memory. It was listed to compete at the 1968 Cannes Film Festival, but the festival was cancelled due to the events of May 1968 in France.
Release Date: June 08, 1969
June 26, 1998
August 18, 2021
December 31, 1950
June 14, 1974
August 15, 2003
January 01, 1961
November 04, 1983
June 07, 1940
March 31, 1954
April 01, 1927
January 16, 2004
October 13, 1933
February 04, 1966
August 07, 1957
September 29, 1972
February 13, 1972
September 27, 2017
April 08, 1984
January 13, 2018
October 13, 2006