An unusual children's film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war through the eyes of three youngsters. The three have a series of adventures which include saving a soldier from being captured by the Germans, helping out the resistance fighters, and meeting up with a young Russian woman trained in guerrilla warfare. As they learn more about life and danger, various circumstances constantly recall the reality of war itself. The title comes from a wounded pigeon under the care of one of the youngsters.
Release Date: May 01, 1961
January 15, 1943
March 06, 1942
March 04, 1955
March 15, 2005
January 21, 1976
November 12, 2013
May 16, 1943
August 08, 2016
April 28, 2000
November 16, 2017
January 01, 2010
October 01, 2012
March 14, 2024
June 24, 1970
March 25, 1999
April 17, 1989
December 21, 1951
May 15, 1969
May 11, 1984
February 27, 2007