During the summer of 1999, a group of teenagers, through interconnected narratives, live through their last day of high school and prepare for the future. Holly, once the new girl in school, does whatever it takes to remain popular. Dawn, who is secretly a lesbian, battles drugs. Tori is the valedictorian of her class, but, on the eve of graduation, she decides to experiment with drugs for the first time.
Release Date: April 11, 2008
January 20, 2022
February 15, 2017
February 16, 2017
October 07, 2016
December 23, 2006
October 13, 1995
October 01, 1985
September 02, 1999
January 07, 1998
November 14, 2013
April 23, 2003
March 25, 2005
June 06, 1934
August 28, 1998
September 06, 2002
December 07, 2000
October 22, 2005
December 15, 2005
March 07, 2003
November 08, 2002