In the early 1960s, teenager Adam Stafford (Cameron Bright) becomes obsessed with his new neighbor, Catherine Caswell (Gretchen Mol), a divorcée and free spirit. Stafford spies on Caswell as she meets with strange men, and, despite the warnings of his conservative parents, he begins working for her as a gardener. Amid rumors of her affair with President Kennedy, the two become close, but political intrigue surrounding her acquaintances soon infringes on their friendship.
Release Date: November 27, 2008
May 20, 1987
April 10, 2009
March 31, 2006
September 09, 2005
October 21, 1983
March 16, 1954
January 08, 2008
August 31, 2005
October 19, 2001
April 28, 2006
October 08, 2005
May 01, 1988
March 22, 1993
January 16, 1996
May 20, 1997
November 18, 2009
January 01, 2006
April 12, 2014
October 16, 2014
March 20, 2024