The story follows a band of former Confederate soldiers who were part of a cavalry unit. Their commander, Graff (Rourke) had once been a heroic and staunch supporter of the southern cause, but after losing his family he became cold hearted and ruthless. His second in command is Eustis (Mulroney), whom Graff has trained on the strategies of leadership and combat command.
Release Date: October 30, 1993
September 06, 2003
June 18, 1997
March 05, 1992
October 06, 2004
July 26, 2007
September 23, 2016
May 22, 2007
April 27, 1993
July 01, 1987
March 28, 1964
March 11, 2008
September 20, 2002
October 08, 1993
December 12, 1986
January 17, 1986
October 04, 1991
September 30, 2021
April 11, 1997
March 04, 2008
August 01, 1976