Ruthlessly pursued by the Rogers family following a dispute over cattle, Ben Caine (Benito Stefanelli) is chased back to the Caine Ranch. Despite his wife Maria's (Michèle Mercier) desperate pleading, the Rogers family hangs Ben Caine, forcing Maria to watch. Consumed with revenge but finding her two brothers-in-law reluctant to assist, Maria enlists the help of Manuel (Robert Hossein). Manual, presumably preoccupied with the past, wears a single black glove and lives alone in a ghost town. Manuel agrees to Maria's plan with reluctance, in part because of his deep feelings/attraction to her. Manuel finds employment as foreman at the Rogers' ranch and surreptitiously kidnaps Pa Rogers' (Daniele Vargas) only daughter Johanna (Anne-Marie Balin). With Johanna as the bait, Maria will be in the perfect position to exact her revenge on the Rogers but things don't turn out quite as planned.
Release Date: January 25, 1969
June 09, 1952
March 18, 1959
June 19, 1969
December 22, 1970
March 16, 1999
December 25, 1930
April 02, 1971
February 04, 2004
August 11, 2003
June 25, 1962
December 23, 1995
December 18, 1965
October 12, 1960
September 17, 1964
January 01, 1972
April 23, 1953
February 04, 1972
December 14, 1965
November 22, 1968
November 25, 1969