The title character, played by Dzidra Ritenberga, is the restless wife of a provincial village fisherman. Unwilling to dedicate herself to her husband, Malwa seeks out love from every man she meets. This results in a romantic triangle that is at once disarmingly simplistic and intensely dramatic. Malwa was the final directorial effort of Vladimir Braun, who died in 1957. Star Dzidra Ritenberga won a "Best Actress" award at the Venice Film Festival; co-stars Pavel Usovicenko and Anatoll Ighnaliev also earned praise for their realistic performances.
Release Date: January 01, 1956
January 23, 1998
February 12, 2021
October 06, 2016
September 30, 2016
June 30, 2000
November 14, 1960
April 02, 2009
November 27, 2014
October 18, 2007
May 16, 2016
September 05, 2005
February 11, 2003
August 24, 2017
February 29, 2008
April 28, 2012
November 07, 2019
October 18, 1965
November 04, 1943
November 01, 1987