"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jannie survive? Tsepo and Jannie’s inspirational story unfolds against the breathtaking backdrops of a dramatic African landscape and New York City in the mid-1970s. "e’Lollipop" is a life-changing story that reminds us of the true value of friendship, community, sacrifice and family - despite our color or creed.
Release Date: March 24, 1975
February 07, 2017
July 16, 1950
August 29, 2004
February 17, 1989
April 20, 2023
October 20, 2000
November 01, 2001
June 06, 1958
May 13, 2005
November 01, 2001
March 19, 2004
September 26, 2007
September 01, 1932
August 02, 1996
May 15, 2021
November 04, 2005
January 11, 2001
January 01, 2003
May 16, 1973
July 12, 1985