This home video release features two episodes from the Wondrous Myths and Legends series, in which schoolgirl Lisa and her brother Nick accidentally discover the Cavern of Mythos, which allows them to travel into another world where the great myths of history are fact -- and they've become active participants. In "The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster," Lisa and Nick are transported to Scotland, where they encounter the famous Loch Ness monster and discover he's not the menace they expected. And "The Valor of St. George, the Dragonslayer" finds Nick and Lisa in medieval days, where Nick is believed to be a valiant knight and is sent out to do battle with a ill-tempered, fire-breathing dragon.
Release Date: February 01, 1999
May 20, 2004
March 18, 1964
April 04, 2019
August 23, 1996
December 25, 2007
April 13, 2011
May 21, 2013
November 25, 2024
May 07, 1934
January 01, 1987
October 29, 1970
October 17, 1961
September 20, 1975
July 06, 2001
January 01, 2010
January 05, 2008
December 17, 2004
November 07, 2023