Max, an angel in exile, walks around the United States to help humans. In a small town in Maine, he meets a young woman without a family named Sally. As she struggles to get custody of her younger brother, Max immediately believes that his new mission is to help Sally. But Jo, a strict angel, is sent to explain to his colleague that this is not exactly what is expected of him. Indeed, Max's mission is not to help Sally, but Karl, the manager of a small factory of Christmas decorations. His business is barely surviving because its traditional products do not meet the success of yesteryear. First bored, Max notices that Karl knows Sally ...
Release Date: November 28, 2004
December 20, 2019
December 09, 2016
January 12, 1940
December 04, 1977
December 14, 2016
January 01, 2013
December 04, 1992
December 10, 2016
November 09, 1998
December 11, 2016
October 07, 2014
December 05, 2015
November 17, 2020
February 22, 2013
December 09, 2016
December 03, 2001
November 13, 1998
April 27, 2009
December 13, 2016
November 23, 1978