The adventures of smart soldier Gustav Diestelbeck include managing his superior officer, competing for the canteneer's daughter, evading punishment for discipline faults and hosting Prinz Willibald during his visit to the regiment.
Release Date: January 04, 1932
February 18, 1970
March 29, 1996
August 17, 1946
September 15, 1978
June 26, 1981
March 24, 1995
September 23, 2004
January 01, 1991
August 31, 1958
October 18, 1991
January 01, 1989
Invalid Date
November 11, 1974
January 04, 1955
January 06, 1939
January 19, 2023
June 24, 1954
August 28, 1953
July 29, 2022
April 06, 1965