This lengthy docudrama records the harrowing conditions at the Confederacy's most notorious prisoner-of-war camp. The drama unfolds through the eyes of a company of Union soldiers captured at the Battle of Cold Harbor, VA, in June 1864, and shipped to the camp in southern Georgia. A private, Josiah Day, and his sergeant try to hold their company together in the face of squalid living conditions, inhumane punishments, and a gang of predatory fellow prisoners called the Raiders.
Release Date: March 03, 1996
December 29, 1995
December 16, 1959
October 04, 1987
September 12, 1990
December 15, 1939
December 18, 1982
September 23, 1994
March 01, 2006
June 04, 1937
December 19, 1986
December 23, 1987
April 27, 1959
October 11, 1957
December 28, 2001
December 18, 1985
May 04, 1954
December 12, 1993
November 30, 2001
December 10, 2008
November 11, 2005