A countryside dramedy (drama-comedy) that follows 14-year-old Diana and her younger brother who live by themselves after their mother went abroad and their father lived with another woman. Set in a remote purok, where people display positive outlook in life despite daily struggles, the film features the light side of country lifestyle as the main characters take advantage of the fun and thrills of the town festival to take hold of their sweet childhood.
Release Date: August 03, 2013
September 02, 2015
November 22, 2012
November 22, 2012
December 18, 2012
December 14, 2014
February 27, 2013
January 01, 1997
February 01, 1996
June 30, 2014
November 03, 1959
February 01, 2017
April 22, 2000
May 30, 2001
November 24, 1999
February 08, 2017
June 01, 1999
November 07, 2001
December 25, 2013
January 02, 1997
July 30, 2005