The foul-mouthed, wheelchair-bound Mr. Rush introduces three adventure tales inspired by the EC Comics of the 1950s: "Showdown," "King of the Road," and "Yellow." This star-studded telefilm was an attempt to launch a second anthology series in the mold of "Tales from the Crypt." When the film failed to generate sufficient interest, the three tales were re-edited and shown as "Crypt" episodes.
Release Date: January 18, 1992
March 28, 2019
March 10, 1969
June 18, 2010
October 25, 2017
December 27, 2016
February 22, 2022
January 20, 2023
October 18, 2007
October 17, 2008
September 30, 1936
December 29, 1928
May 29, 2019
December 14, 1990
July 21, 1983
February 09, 2004
November 21, 2006
April 25, 2006
August 16, 1996
January 23, 2000
March 16, 1999