This fact-based prison drama tells the tale of a band of prisoners living in the innovative 2,600-acre prison at Chino, California. The place takes a humanistic approach to reform and there are no armed guards, no lockups and no uniforms. The underlying philosophy is that if these things are not there, the prisoners will not want to escape, and will instead accept their punishment. A new inmate arrives and soon accustoms himself to the new idea. The story includes the Oscar nominated song Unchained Melody.
Release Date: August 25, 1955
December 18, 1982
September 23, 1994
May 31, 1991
December 26, 1955
March 08, 2001
December 07, 1982
September 13, 2005
July 01, 1998
November 13, 1987
December 18, 1985
May 15, 2008
October 08, 1999
June 09, 2000
September 17, 1999
May 01, 2005
October 19, 2001
October 12, 2022
February 06, 1977
November 12, 2004
April 17, 2015