This teenage drama deals with the emotional chaos of a high school graduate at the beginning of a new period of his life. 19-year-old Daniel is frustrated: he wants his great love Luca to be the "first" woman in his life, but she seems to be unreachable, so he is still a virgin. During his community service as a male nurse, his boss Anna falls in love with him and they finally have sex. Suddenly Luca is interested in Daniel...
Release Date: November 15, 2001
March 17, 2000
October 12, 2005
March 29, 2001
July 28, 1995
June 08, 2000
August 20, 1992
December 04, 1992
December 09, 2008
November 23, 2007
November 14, 1991
March 24, 2006
May 13, 2005
July 27, 1975
December 23, 1994
September 30, 1995
January 01, 1965
April 30, 1990
June 20, 1991
February 07, 1992
May 03, 1996