Mamie, an orphan girl who was abused in the orphanage, is taken in by Mrs. Caldwell, a kindly woman with a young son named Alexander. Mamie hits it off with the lad, and nicknames him "Zander". When Mrs. Caldwell dies, the authorities decree that the boy must be placed in the same orphanage where Mamie was mistreated. Horrified, Mamie determines to see to it that the boy will be spared the same treatment that she had to suffer.
Release Date: May 01, 1925
May 11, 1931
January 20, 1952
June 16, 2006
December 17, 1999
February 24, 2006
May 03, 1982
May 20, 2007
May 23, 1962
February 06, 1931
July 13, 1925
April 20, 2001
September 14, 2007
November 21, 2007
July 21, 1948
February 11, 1942
June 05, 1936
December 15, 1954
July 17, 1964
July 01, 1959
September 02, 1975