Aitraaz revolves around the character Raj Malhotra (Akshay Kumar) a successful businessman who has everything going for him, including a lovely wife (Kareena Kapoor). Just when he thinks things can't get any better, Sonia (Priyanka Chopra) - his ex-girlfriend, now the boss's wife - walks back into his life - and she wants Raj at any cost.
Release Date: November 12, 2004
June 09, 2009
June 02, 2009
September 30, 2014
November 21, 2003
October 13, 1995
July 31, 2005
May 24, 2002
July 22, 1982
December 29, 2016
September 16, 2016
September 13, 2007
December 09, 1994
November 11, 2005
August 08, 1997
July 02, 2003
August 20, 1992
April 23, 1998
October 01, 2008
June 15, 2005
March 17, 2001