Seventeen-year-old Mariah Mundi's life is turned upside down when his parents vanish and his younger brother is kidnapped. Following a trail of clues to the darkly majestic Prince Regent Hotel, Mariah discovers a hidden realm of child-stealing monsters, deadly secrets and a long-lost artefact that grants limitless wealth—but also devastating supernatural power. With the fate of his world, and his family at stake, Mariah will risk everything to unravel the Curse of the Midas Box.
Release Date: December 05, 2013
January 07, 1977
November 18, 2009
March 18, 2017
April 01, 2023
October 07, 1962
October 10, 1963
September 20, 1964
November 18, 1959
June 13, 1967
December 18, 1969
November 16, 2001
November 16, 2005
July 08, 2007
July 07, 1977
June 26, 1979
June 24, 1981
May 24, 1985
June 29, 1987
December 11, 1997
July 15, 2009