Ryan is a teenager who lacks the ability to speak. One day, Ryan falls off a bridge and he finds himself transported to a strange fantasy world where he encounters his Grandpa Randolph and a pretty girl named Melanie; together, Ryan and Melanie learn to help one another with their problems, and they both discover the wisdom they can gain from elders like Grandpa Randolph.
Release Date: October 15, 2004
December 19, 2016
February 20, 1961
September 21, 1984
March 09, 2007
August 08, 2007
April 03, 1981
December 13, 2006
June 30, 2010
August 03, 2001
October 24, 2003
October 25, 2005
May 25, 1990
March 16, 1984
April 12, 1979
January 05, 2008
September 02, 2006
May 10, 2007
November 25, 1954
February 19, 2021
October 07, 2016