Shuichi and Nobuko are an ordinary, young couple, a promising company employee and his pretty wife. They think nothing can mar their peaceful life but nothing is permanent in this world and Shuichi's company goes bankrupt. Shuichi feels lost. He misses the good times he had at bars and cabarets, especially Hiromi, a hostess. Nobuko offers to work while he hunts for a job and finds an opening at an advertising company. But as Nobuko makes the rounds of restaurants and cabarets, she finds she cannot get ads just by dint of hard work alone. All the shop owners and managers expect her to sleep with them for each big ad they buy. At first, Nobuko is shocked but, to eat, she must meet their demands.
Release Date: April 29, 1972
August 05, 1972
August 26, 1972
November 12, 2020
October 07, 1972
September 27, 1972
January 01, 2006
January 19, 2017
January 01, 1970
November 03, 1976
April 29, 1983
April 09, 1974
April 23, 2019
January 01, 1970
December 08, 1972
November 08, 1972
December 02, 1972
February 04, 2022
February 25, 2022
February 25, 2022
February 25, 2022