The film starts in a street in Fort Kochi where Vasco da Gama, the son of a wrestler named Michael, lives. Vasco and his gang of five — Chandrappan, Susheelan, Sainu, Basheer and cousin Tomichchan are small-time goondas, involved in petty offences and as the movie progresses, these characters turn out to be more endearing than bad.
Release Date: April 06, 2007
December 08, 2006
July 02, 1986
May 01, 1988
July 01, 1972
November 27, 2016
April 12, 2014
April 11, 2014
July 07, 1977
August 25, 2000
November 16, 1990
November 15, 1992
June 21, 1960
August 10, 1960
September 09, 1993
June 19, 1992
May 14, 1969
November 30, 2013
November 18, 1983
August 31, 2001
March 30, 1995