The story revolves around the college graduate class of 1992. In 2006, working in different corners of the world, the friends get together for a class reunion to revive the joy and laughter of their student days. Shockingly, on the night of the reunion, one of the classmates is almost murdered and goes into a coma.
Release Date: August 25, 2006
February 01, 2002
April 07, 2017
November 13, 2020
March 22, 2017
January 01, 2005
March 02, 2001
January 14, 2000
April 24, 2005
October 29, 2010
April 27, 2007
July 01, 1987
March 03, 2006
March 29, 1996
July 15, 1989
September 01, 1999
November 30, 2022
September 19, 2008
November 13, 2008
August 09, 1973
May 13, 1988