This is the story of a British gangster named Jenkins. Jenkins owns a seedy strip club that offers what men desire and much more. Jenkins also happens to be the distributor of a sexual aphrodisiac called "HONEYSUCKLE". Dodgson and Andrea are federal agents assigned to infiltrate the club, and put an end to it's illegal business. Dodgson goes in as a patron and Andrea as a stripper. See the tale unravel as Andrea works the dance pole like a pro, and even takes the illicit drug in order to avoid being exposed. Will Andrea blow her cover... or blow the customers. Watch as Stefani Morgan unleashes her sexual inhibitions in 200 Proof. We promise it'll have you coming back for more.
Release Date: January 23, 2008
September 01, 1937
May 30, 1968
July 18, 1990
June 28, 2005
April 07, 1995
July 24, 1998
January 01, 1960
July 16, 1948
December 31, 1996
March 28, 1975
January 12, 1990
February 16, 1996
November 27, 1999
July 01, 2009
August 22, 2005
October 28, 1978
March 08, 1991
March 08, 1993
March 16, 1990
February 14, 2014