A new evil organization known as Space Shocker, which are led by the magic-using Space Ikadevil and Space Spider Man, threatens the Earth by causing an unknown phenomenon. The Space Sheriffs Gavan type-G and Sharivan are sent to execute all magic-users on Earth in response to the threat and begins to attack Kamen Riders Wizard and Beast. The Space Crime Syndicate Madou, who were once defeated by the original Sharivan return, to cause even more havoc in the world. During this, Yoko finds a mysterious little robot called Psycholon, which Space Shocker and the Madou are after for unknown reasons.
Release Date: April 27, 2013
June 05, 2024
Invalid Date
April 08, 2005
March 09, 2003
January 01, 1992
July 18, 1973
August 06, 1994
July 09, 1988
October 10, 2008
June 13, 2003
August 03, 2013
October 02, 2016
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July 21, 1979
January 01, 1979
October 04, 1997
August 19, 1994
May 24, 2014
October 06, 2000
May 01, 1999