This Warner Bros. The Sports Parade series short chronicles the attempt by a group of men to navigate the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon to Lake Mead. Led by Norman D. Nevills, nine men undertake a nineteen days trip in three specially built rowboats through the more than 200 rapids, some which run at 30 mph. Along the way, they see the remnants of previous expeditions. They also visit abandoned Pueblo Indian cave dwellings.
Release Date: May 11, 1946
March 02, 1982
June 29, 1985
April 11, 1997
July 08, 2005
May 19, 1988
September 30, 1994
February 17, 2006
December 24, 1981
August 01, 1985
December 24, 2021
April 09, 1940
November 05, 1932
April 12, 2001
April 06, 2005
April 12, 1979
September 26, 1986
Invalid Date
September 16, 2020
December 31, 2014
February 01, 2023