A supernatural thriller that follows Russel Bayne who quickly finds himself in the middle of a supernatural war between vampires, werewolves, and human hunters after being bitten by a werewolf. To make matters worse, it seems a civil war has erupted among the vampires, with a clan breaking from the others in a quest to return a vampire goddess back to power.
Release Date: October 12, 2009
March 16, 2009
November 18, 2009
October 27, 2004
July 11, 2008
February 16, 1922
May 31, 2004
January 19, 1996
July 15, 2009
September 19, 2003
August 12, 2004
May 06, 1932
August 21, 1981
January 12, 2006
May 31, 2016
July 28, 2007
February 10, 2010
May 29, 1997
November 20, 2008
September 17, 1988
May 03, 2004