The film follows "Dylan White" who works as a cook in Baton Rouge. He is also in a solid relationship with his girlfriend "Brandy". Things are great until strange events prompt him to seek out the truth about himself -- following clues, Dylan discovers a dark past in New Orleans. Can he right his past wrongs and find redemption for his sins?
Release Date: April 14, 2013
September 24, 1999
April 27, 1993
November 22, 2006
January 09, 1978
March 17, 1995
August 17, 1984
January 16, 2003
July 29, 2005
March 19, 1993
January 13, 2011
December 19, 1986
April 29, 2017
August 17, 1990
September 19, 1951
December 20, 1991
October 25, 2019
November 22, 1976
October 01, 2021
May 09, 1991
October 25, 2023