Akiko, a young woman, comes to Vladivostok to meet Matsunaga, a young businessman she has met in Tokyo only once. Akiko finally finds Matsunaga. However, he leaves her again, warning her not to trust strangers in a foreign country. She tries to follow him, but she is attacked by thugs and dumped on the outskirts of town.
Release Date: November 13, 2013
June 17, 2022
December 23, 1992
March 22, 1993
June 01, 2003
June 22, 1954
June 13, 1967
September 12, 1990
February 14, 1991
March 08, 1996
August 06, 1965
September 09, 1993
April 26, 1954
March 17, 2006
November 17, 1999
October 11, 1957
October 12, 2002
April 21, 2023
August 31, 2001
July 07, 1961
November 14, 2013