A famous scientist invents a humanoid robot (the titular "monster"), so a greedy rival scientist plans to steal it for use in his criminal plans. His henchmen often kidnap a trained gorilla (the titular "ape") from the zoo, to aid in the schemes.
Release Date: April 20, 1945
December 18, 2020
June 29, 2001
March 09, 1972
March 23, 1956
January 30, 1937
January 18, 1937
July 25, 2001
February 07, 1968
July 07, 1961
November 26, 2002
February 28, 1916
November 21, 1985
January 25, 1944
October 06, 1945
March 17, 1945
June 04, 1953
August 13, 1998
September 14, 1945
February 20, 2014
November 06, 1943